

While the storm of covid 19 measures seems to have dissipated, and we seem to be living “as before”, what will tomorrow bring?

It’s a good idea to shed some light during the election truce, so as not to be caught off guard!

European Commission recommendations for vaccinating the very young.

The European Commission recommends that EU countries consider strategies to boost childhood vaccination ahead of the next school year:

EU: What will change, Midi Libre published on 26/04/2022

COVID-19 prepares for autumn winter 2023 ( published on 02/09/2022

This wouldn’t seem so worrying if we didn’t know how many families are now living in tragedy, having suffered adverse reactions sometimes resulting in death.

The Senate is currently conducting an inquiry.

Details of the OPECST’s hearings on the consultation on adverse effects can be found on our website.

Vaccination – Mamans Louves

The Verity association, created following the deaths of their loved ones, is being heard, along with other groups such as Où est mon cycle (Where is my cycle?), and scientists who are denouncing the major biases in the trials, as well as the seriousness of the effects of these injections.

HAS recommendations

Just out of curiosity, let’s take a look at the Haute Autorité de Santé’s recommendations.

Haute Autorité de Santé – Covid-19 vaccination strategy – Place of COMIRNATY® mRNA vaccine in 5-11 year-olds

Only half-surprised, we read that it is recommended to vaccinate children aged 5 to 11, while :

  • its efficacy on transmission and severe forms is unknown
  • data collected over the short follow-up period do not allow adverse effects to be assessed

The question that remains is: “Why are we making our children take these risks?

Parents simply have to say NO, all together and with one voice.

Solidarity for our children’s health is more important than ever.

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