
Media interventions

NEXUS - Sexuality education: "Parents? We don't give a damn about their opinion!" du 26/03/2024

Round Table "Sexuality Education"-150th ISC- May 8, 2024

TOCSIN - "This sex education for children is nonsense! Let the government do its job!"- du 16/02/2024

SUD RADIO - Bercoff in all his states - du 23/01/2024

"Les Enfants Au Cœur" S2-E4: digital technology as a breeding ground for paedophiles - from 03/12/2023

TOCSIN - Sex education at school: who benefits from the crime? from 20/11/2023

MAGAZINE NEXUS - The excesses of sex education in France from 02/11/2023

TOCSIN - Education se*uelle : "My daughter forced to wear a condom at school!" du 21/09/2023

Breizh-info 09/14/2023

The Trans Being Collective - They want to educate your children about sexuality! from 05/07/2023

LIGNE DROITE - La matinale de Radio Courtoisie - Sex education, drag-queen: are our children in danger? from 05/24/2023

NEXUS MAGAZINE - The excesses of sex education in French schools? from 06/05/2023

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