


Article 1 – Form and name

An association called “MAMANS LOUVES”, governed by the provisions of the law of July 1, 1901, the decree of August 16, 1901 and the present articles of association, hereinafter referred to as “the Association”, is founded between the signatories and all those who adhere to the present articles of association.

Article 2 – Purpose

The Association’s objective is of general interest, and consists of acting to ensure respect for the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the European Convention on the Exercise of Children’s Rights.
The Association’s mission is to ensure :

  • the protection of children’s right to education, well-being and health.
  • physical and mental integrity, as well as respect for the educational requirements of the school environment.
  • that children’s rights as defined by the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and the European Convention on the Exercise of Children’s Rights, as well as by all applicable texts, are respected.
  • that the fundamental freedom of parents to exercise their authority is respected.

Article 3 – Duration, registered office

The Association’s duration is unlimited.
Its registered office is located at Hameau de la Valentine 6 place de la Libération 13119 Saint Savournin (France).
It may be transferred by simple decision of the Board of Directors, ratified by the General Meeting.

Article 4 – Membership

The association is made up of:
a) Honorary members
b) Active or associate members

Members are mainly individuals. Legal entities may also become members of the association. In this case, the legal entity will be represented by one of its directors in office, or by the person authorized in writing by at least one of the directors in office.

Article 5 – Admission

The association is open to all, without condition or distinction.

Article 6 – Executive Board

The Board of Directors elects an Executive Committee from among its members:

1) A Chairman;
2) A Vice-Chairman;
3) A Secretary,

4) A treasurer.

Details of the duties and powers of each member of the executive committee will be set out in the by-laws.

Article 7 – Board of Directors

The association is managed by a 12-member board, elected for 2 years by the Annual General Meeting. Members are eligible for re-election.
In the event of vacancies, the Board provides temporary replacements. They are replaced at the next Annual General Meeting. The powers of the members thus elected end with the expiry of the term of office of the members replaced. The Board of Directors meets at least once every six months, convened by the Chairman or at the request of a quarter of its members. Decisions are taken by majority vote; in the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote. Any Board member who fails to attend three consecutive meetings without apology will be deemed to have resigned.

Article 8 – Members – Subscriptions

Members of the association are all those who complete the detailed registration form provided. The Extraordinary General Meeting must be attended by at least a quarter of the members in office. If this proportion is not reached, the Extraordinary General Meeting is reconvened, but at least fifteen days apart, and this time it can validly deliberate, whatever the number of members present or represented.

The Extraordinary General Meeting must be attended by at least a quarter of the members in office. If this proportion is not reached, the Extraordinary General Meeting is reconvened, but at least fifteen days apart, and this time it can validly deliberate, whatever the number of members present or represented.

Honorary members are those who have rendered outstanding services to the association; they are exempt from paying membership fees.
The Board of Directors or the General Meeting may decide to introduce a membership fee when they deem it appropriate.

Article 9 – Resources

The association’s resources include:
1°) subsidies from the State, départements and communes;
2°) financial donations or donations of equipment from natural or legal persons;

3°) All resources authorized by current laws and regulations.

Article 10 – Membership

The present association may, where appropriate, affiliate with and comply with the articles of association and by-laws of a federation of its choice. It may also join other associations, unions or groupings by decision of the Board of Directors.

Article 11 – Deregistration

Membership is lost by:
a) Resignation;
b) Death;
c) Expulsion by the Board of Directors for non-payment of dues or for serious cause, after the member concerned has been invited by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to provide explanations before the Board and/or in writing. The list of serious grounds will be detailed in the internal regulations. Once the member’s explanations have been heard, the Board of Directors will inform the member of its decision and the reasons for it, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, within two weeks.

Article 12 – Annual General Meeting

The Ordinary General Meeting comprises all members of the association in whatever capacity. It meets once a year.
At least fifteen days before the set date, members of the Association are convened by the Secretary. The agenda appears on the invitation. The Chairman, assisted by the members of the Board, chairs the meeting and reports on the Association’s moral situation and activities. The treasurer reports on his management and submits the annual accounts (balance sheet, income statement and notes) to the meeting for approval. The Annual General Meeting sets the amount of annual dues and entrance fees to be paid by the various categories of members as required. Only items on the agenda may be discussed. Decisions are taken by a majority of votes of members present or represented. After the agenda has been completed, outgoing Board members are replaced. All decisions are taken by a show of hands, with the exception of the election of board members. Decisions taken at General Meetings are binding on all members, including those absent or represented.

Article 13 – Extraordinary General Meeting

If necessary, or at the request of half plus one of the registered members, the Chairman may convene an Extraordinary General Meeting, in accordance with the procedures set out in these Articles of Association and solely for the purpose of amending the Articles of Association, dissolving the company or dealing with real estate. The procedure for convening the meeting is the same as for the Ordinary General Meeting. Resolutions are passed by a majority of members present.

Article 14 – Compensation

All functions, including those of members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, are free of charge and voluntary. Only expenses incurred in the performance of their duties are reimbursed, based on receipts. The financial report presented to the Annual General Meeting sets out the reimbursement of mission, travel and entertainment expenses for each beneficiary.

Article 15 – Internal regulations

Rules of procedure will be drawn up by the Board of Directors for approval by the Annual General Meeting. Any such regulations are intended to set out the various points not covered by the present articles of association, in particular those relating to the association’s internal administration.

Article 16 – Dissolution

In the event of dissolution in accordance with Article 12, one or more liquidators are appointed, and the net assets, if any, are transferred to a non-profit organization in accordance with the decisions of the Extraordinary General Meeting deciding on the dissolution. Net assets may not be transferred to a member of the association, even in part, unless a contribution is made.

Article 17 – Accounting

Accounts are kept showing an income statement, balance sheet and notes to the financial statements.
If the Association is made up of several establishments, each of them must keep separate accounts, which form a special section of the Association’s overall accounts.

Article 18 – Liberalities

The annual report and accounts, as defined in article 11 (including those of local committees), are sent each year to the Préfet of the département. The association undertakes to produce its registers and accounting documents at the request of any administrative authority concerning the use of donations it is authorized to receive, and to allow representatives of these authorities to visit its establishments and report to them on the running of the said establishments.

Signed in Saubion, 30/12/2021

Ms Roxane CHAFEI President

Ms Christelle COMET Vice-Chairwoman

Ms Christelle COMET Secretary

Mrs Alexis DA SILVA Treasurer



Article 1 – Form and name

An association called “MAMANS LOUVES”, governed by the provisions of the law of July 1, 1901, the decree of August 16, 1901 and the present articles of association, hereinafter referred to as “the Association”, is founded between the signatories and all those who adhere to the present articles of association.

Article 2 – Purpose

The Association’s objective is of general interest, and consists of acting to uphold the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the European Convention on the Exercise of Children’s Rights.

The Association’s mission is to :

– the protection of children’s right to education, well-being and health.

– physical and mental integrity, and respect for the educational requirements of the school environment.

– that the rights of children as defined by the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, the European Convention on the Exercise of Children’s Rights and all other applicable texts are respected.

– that the fundamental freedom of parents to exercise their authority is respected.

Article 3 – Duration, registered office

The duration of the Association is unlimited.

Its registered office has been transferred to Hameau de la Valentine
6 place de la Libération
13119 Saint Savournin since 01/06/2024. It may be transferred by simple decision of the Board of Directors, ratified by the General Meeting.

Article 4 – Membership

The association is made up of :

a) Honorary members

b) Active members

Members are mainly individuals. Legal entities may become members of the association. In this case, the legal entity will be represented by one of its directors in office or by the person authorized in writing by at least one of the directors in office. of at least one of the directors in office.

Article 5 – Admission

The association is open to all, without condition or distinction.

Article 6 – Executive Board

The Board of Directors elects an Executive Committee from among its members:

1) A Chairman ;

2) One vice-president ;

3) A secretary,

4) A treasurer.

Details of the duties and responsibilities of each member of the executive committee will be set out in the by-laws.

Article 7 – Board of Directors

The association is managed by a board of 12 members, elected for 2 years by the general meeting.Members are eligible for re-election. In the event of vacancies, the Board temporarily replaces its members. He shall be replaced at the next Annual General Meeting. Visit powers of the members so elected shall terminate upon expiry of the term of office of the members so elected. replaced. The Board of Directors meets at least once every six months, to discuss convened by the Chairman, or at the request of one-quarter of its members. Decisions are In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote. All Board member who, without excuse, fails to attend three consecutive meetings will be considered to have resigned.

Article 8 – Members – Subscriptions

Members of the association are all those who have completed the detailed form. registration form. The Extraordinary General Meeting must be composed of at least a quarter of the members in office. If this proportion is not reached, the Extraordinary General Meeting is reconvened, but at least fifteen days this time, it may validly deliberate, whatever the number of members present or represented. present or represented.

The Extraordinary General Meeting must be attended by at least a quarter of the members in office. exercise. If this proportion is not reached, the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting is convened again, but at least fifteen days apart, and this time it may validly deliberate validly deliberate, whatever the number of members present or represented.

Honorary members are those who have rendered outstanding services to the association; they are exempt from paying membership fees; honorary members have an advisory vote .The Board of Directors or the Annual General Meeting may decide to introduce amembership fee when they deem it appropriate.

Article 9 – Resources

The association’s resources include :

1°) State, departmental and municipal subsidies ;

2°) financial or material donations from natural or legal persons ;

3°) All resources authorized by current laws and regulations.

Article 10 – Membership

The present association may, where appropriate, affiliate with and comply with the articles of association and the by-laws. internal regulations of a federation of its choice. It will also be able to join other associations, unions or groups by decision of the Board of Directors.

Article 11 – Deregistration

Membership is lost by :

a) Resignation ;

b) Death ;

c) Expulsion by the Board of Directors for non-payment of membership dues or for serious cause, after the interested party has been invited to join by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. to provide explanations before the Board and/or in writing. List of motifs will be detailed in the internal regulations. Once the member’s explanations heard, the Board of Directors will send a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt within fifteen days, of its decision and the reasons for it.

Article 12 – Annual General Meeting

The Ordinary General Meeting comprises all members of the association in any capacity. they are. It meets every year. At least fifteen days before the set date, the members of the members are convened by care of the secretary. The agenda appears on the invitation. The Chairman, assisted by the members of the Board, chairs the meeting and reports on the company’s moral situation or the association. The treasurer reports on his management and submits the annual accounts (balance sheet, income statement and notes to the financial statements). The Annual General Meeting sets the amount of annual dues and entry fees payable by the various categories members as needed. Only items on the agenda may be discussed. Visit decisions are taken by a majority of votes of members present or represented. of the agenda, the outgoing members of the Board are re-elected. advice. All decisions are taken by a show of hands, except for the election of members of the Board. advice. The decisions of General Meetings are binding on all members, including absent or represented

Article 13 – Extraordinary General Meeting

If necessary, or at the request of half plus one of the registered members, the Chairman may convene an Extraordinary General Meeting, in accordance with the procedures set out in these bylaws and solely for the purpose of amending the bylaws or dissolving the company or for any other reason. deeds relating to real estate. Convening procedures are the same as for the Annual General Meeting. Resolutions are passed by a majority of members present.

Article 14 – Compensation

All functions, including those of members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, are free and voluntary. Only expenses incurred in the performance of their duties are reimbursed on presentation of receipts. Financial report presented to the meeting reimbursements of mission, travel and entertainment expenses for each beneficiary. expenses.

Article 15 – Internal regulations

Rules of procedure will be drawn up by the Board of Directors, which will submit them to the Board of Directors for approval. approval by the Annual General Meeting. Any such regulations are intended to set out the various not provided for in these Articles of Association, in particular those relating to the internal of the association.

Article 16 – Dissolution

In the event of dissolution in accordance with article 12, one or more liquidators are appointed, and the net assets, if any, are transferred to a non-profit organization in accordance with the decisions of the Extraordinary General Meeting deciding on the dissolution .Net assets may not be transferred to a member of the association, even in part, unless a contribution has been made.

Article 17 – Accounting

Accounts are kept showing an income statement, balance sheet and notes to the financial statements.If the Association is made up of several establishments, each of them must keep separate accounts which form a special chapter of the Association’soverall accounts.

Article 18 – Liberalities

The annual report and accounts, as defined in article 11 (including those of the are sent each year to the Prefect of the département. The association undertakes to to present its registers and accounting records at the request of any administrative regarding the use of donations it is authorized to receive, to allow representatives of these competent authorities to visit its establishments and to and to report to them on the operation of said establishments.

Signed in Fuveau, 01/04/2023

Ms Roxane CHAFEI, President

Ms Christelle COMET, Vice-Chairwoman

Ms Christelle COMET, Secretary

Mrs Alexis Da Silva, Treasurer


are convened by the secretary. The agenda appears on the invitation. The Chairman, assisted by the members of the Board, chairs the meeting and reports on the Association’s moral situation and activities. The treasurer reports on his management and submits the annual accounts (balance sheet, income statement and notes) to the meeting for approval. The Annual General Meeting sets the amount of annual dues and entrance fees to be paid by the various categories of members as required. Only items on the agenda may be discussed. Decisions are taken by a majority of votes of members present or represented. After the agenda has been completed, outgoing Board members are replaced. All decisions are taken by a show of hands, except for the election of Board members. Decisions taken at General Meetings are binding on all members, including those absent or represented.

Article 13 – Extraordinary General Meeting

If necessary, or at the request of half plus one of the registered members, the Chairman may convene an Extraordinary General Meeting, in accordance with the procedures set out in these Articles of Association and solely for the purpose of amending the Articles of Association, dissolving the company or dealing with real estate. The procedure for convening the meeting is the same as for the Ordinary General Meeting. Resolutions are passed by a majority of members present.

Article 14 – Compensation

All functions, including those of members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, are free of charge and voluntary. Only expenses incurred in the performance of their duties are reimbursed, based on receipts. The financial report presented to the Annual General Meeting sets out the reimbursement of mission, travel and entertainment expenses for each beneficiary.

Article 15 – Internal regulations

Rules of procedure will be drawn up by the Board of Directors for approval by the Annual General Meeting. Any such regulations are intended to set out the various points not covered by the present articles of association, in particular those relating to the association’s internal administration.

Article 16 – Dissolution

In the event of dissolution in accordance with Article 12, one or more liquidators are appointed, and the net assets, if any, are transferred to a non-profit organization in accordance with the decisions of the Extraordinary General Meeting deciding on the dissolution. Net assets may not be transferred to a member of the association, even in part, unless a contribution is made.

Article 17 – Accounting

Accounts are kept, showing an income statement, balance sheet and notes to the financial statements. If the Association is made up of several establishments, each of them must keep separate accounts, which form a special section of the Association’s overall accounts.

Article 18 – Liberalities

The annual report and accounts, as defined in article 11 (including those of local committees), are sent each year to the Préfet of the département. The association undertakes to produce its registers and accounting records at the request of any administrative authority concerning the use of donations it is authorized to receive, and to allow visits to its establishments by representatives of these competent authorities, and to report to them on the running of the said establishments.

are convened by the secretary. The agenda appears on the invitation. The Chairman, assisted by the members of the Board, chairs the meeting and reports on the Association’s moral situation and activities. The treasurer reports on his management and submits the annual accounts (balance sheet, income statement and notes) to the meeting for approval. The Annual General Meeting sets the amount of annual dues and entrance fees to be paid by the various categories of members as required. Only items on the agenda may be discussed. Decisions are taken by a majority of votes of members present or represented. After the agenda has been completed, outgoing Board members are replaced. All decisions are taken by a show of hands, except for the election of Board members. Decisions taken at General Meetings are binding on all members, including those absent or represented.

Article 13 – Extraordinary General Meeting

If necessary, or at the request of half plus one of the registered members, the Chairman may convene an Extraordinary General Meeting, in accordance with the procedures set out in these Articles of Association and solely for the purpose of amending the Articles of Association, dissolving the company or dealing with real estate. The procedure for convening the meeting is the same as for the Ordinary General Meeting. Resolutions are passed by a majority of members present.

Article 14 – Compensation

All functions, including those of members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, are free of charge and voluntary. Only expenses incurred in the performance of their duties are reimbursed, based on receipts. The financial report presented to the Annual General Meeting sets out the reimbursement of mission, travel and entertainment expenses for each beneficiary.

Article 15 – Internal regulations

Rules of procedure will be drawn up by the Board of Directors for approval by the Annual General Meeting. Any such regulations are intended to set out the various points not covered by the present articles of association, in particular those relating to the association’s internal administration.

Article 16 – Dissolution

In the event of dissolution in accordance with Article 12, one or more liquidators are appointed, and the net assets, if any, are transferred to a non-profit organization in accordance with the decisions of the Extraordinary General Meeting deciding on the dissolution. Net assets may not be transferred to a member of the association, even in part, unless a contribution is made.

Article 17 – Accounting

Accounts are kept, showing an income statement, balance sheet and notes to the financial statements. If the Association is made up of several establishments, each of them must keep separate accounts, which form a special section of the Association’s overall accounts.

Article 18 – Liberalities

The annual report and accounts, as defined in article 11 (including those of local committees), are sent each year to the Préfet of the département. The association undertakes to produce its registers and accounting records at the request of any administrative authority concerning the use of donations it is authorized to receive, and to allow visits to its establishments by representatives of these competent authorities, and to report to them on the running of the said establishments.

Saint Savournin, 01/06/2024

Ms Roxane CHAFEI, President

Ms Christelle COMET, Vice-Chairwoman

Ms Christelle COMET, Secretary

Mrs Alexis Da Silva, Treasurer


Article 3 – Duration, registered office

The Association’s duration is unlimited.
Its registered office is located at La Sainte Rosalie
134 Boulevard Pasteur
06000 Nice (France).
It may be transferred by simple decision of the Board of Directors, ratified by the General Meeting.

Nice, 01/10/2024

Ms Roxane CHAFEI, President

Ms Christelle COMET, Vice-Chairwoman

Ms Christelle COMET, Secretary

Mrs Alexis Da Silva, Treasurer

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