OPECST: Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Choices
The parliamentary commission led by OPECST on the serious adverse effects of covid vaccines does not want to transcribe and make public the hearings of Vincent PAVAN, Emmanuelle DARLES, Christine COTTON, Melodie for OÙ EST MON CYCLE, Marc Doyer for Verity and other testimonies!
WE have a responsibility not to LET IT HAPPEN!
If they bury these hearings, it’s a disaster for EVERYONE and a PASSENGER for compulsory childhood vaccination.
Link to the hearings : Reporting, analysis and communication of adverse reactions to Covid-19 vaccines (senat.fr)
Link to the report: Adverse reactions to Covid-19 vaccines and the French pharmacovigilance system (senat.fr)
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Subject: Request about OPECST public hearings
A commission of inquiry has been set up to investigate the adverse effects of the Covid vaccination, as reported by scientists and civil society alike.
As a member of parliament, one of whose missions is to represent the voices of citizens, you have a duty of transparency, which in the case of the OPECST commission seems not to have been respected, since the hearings of Mr Vincent PAVAN, Emmanuelle DARLES and Christine COTTON were not made public.
We have every right to ask you why you refuse to do so, and in this particular case, why you are preventing scientific debate, which is the very essence of science.
This failure to disseminate information to all parents in France is extremely serious, given the reports presented during the hearings and made public by the authors, as well as the reports issued by the ANSM concerning signals already identified and potential ones under surveillance.
As parents, we have a responsibility to safeguard our children’s health.
To do this, we need to have access to all information, whether favorable or unfavorable to the vaccine, enabling us to give our free and informed consent to any medical procedure.
This lack of transparency also makes us wonder.
During our broadcasts, Mamans Louves spoke to families whose children have suffered adverse effects from the vaccine, as did the “Where is my cycle” collective and the Verity France association, which you interviewed during the hearings.
Are all these victims the result of an unfortunate combination of circumstances?
In addition, many scientists around the world are denouncing the dangerous nature of these vaccines. These luminaries, who you’re bound to know had a legitimate and credible scientific voice until now, are now excluded from the scientific debate, and are censored.
Why do these scientists no longer have the legitimacy to be heard?
Our concerns are legitimate, given the plans announced by the European Commission to start vaccinating children at the start of the new school year.
We remind you that in the past, for far fewer adverse drug reactions, some marketing authorizations would have been suspended. Why is it different in this case?
On the other hand, it has been established that the vaccine only prevents severe forms of the disease. For healthy children, the benefit of vaccination is nil.
So, if there is only one risk to vaccination, we have a duty to consider it in order to protect their health.
You know as well as we do how young people are blackmailed into vaccination, and excluded from sporting and cultural activities if they are not vaccinated.
And you have also seen how parental authority has been largely decimated, with the state taking over decisions that should normally be made in consultation with parents and doctors.
It would be irresponsible to participate in this race to vaccinate, given the evidence you have before you.
We have a shared responsibility to ensure that children’s best interests are respected.
We therefore demand that the hearings of Vincent PAVAN, Emmanuelle DARLES, Christine COTTON, Melodie FERON for OÙ EST MON CYCLE, Marc DOYER and Frédéric BELTRA for Verity France, be made public as part of the Parliamentary Commission on the adverse effects of Covid-19 vaccines.
We are convinced that, as senators and members of parliament, but above all as fathers and mothers, you will respond favorably to this request, aware of the damage caused if we continue to fail to take precautions.
Yours sincerely, Mr Villani, Senators and Members of Parliament.